This Sunday-Life's Healing Choices

This Sunday we begin our new series Life's Healing Choices.

It is written

"I have seen how they acted, but I will heal them.
I will lead them and help them, and I will comfort those who mourn.
I will offer peace to all, both near and far! I will heal my people."
Isaiah 57:18 TEV

Join us as we explore how the Beatitudes give us a path to healing our hurts hangups and habits --
We'll have special music by Bill Gati.

See you Sunday!


Unknown said...

Was at service Sunday at the Hempstead church, was very inspiring.Looking forward to continued spiritual growth with the Unity family

Anna V said...

Thank You, my journey has led me to your page . I would absolutely love to have the copy of the healing through the beatitudes. I grew up on Lomg Island and my spiritual journey has taken me many places,but the thing I read today in your website relates to a struggle I have been having my whole life. Thank you for allowing me to come home.

peace and prayers-anna v