Unlock the Gate

Here's something I received from Robert Schuller years ago.

Unlock the Gate Part 1
“A dream comes through much activity.” Ecclesiastes 5:3

What’s holding you back? By now you know there is:
A goal you should be pursuing
A dream you should be launching
A plan should be executing
A project you should be starting
A possibility you should be exploring
An opportunity you should be grabbing
An idea you should be working
A problem you should be tackling
A decision you should be making!
I say it’s time to unlock the starting gate! NOW is the time to take action and STOP postponing. But what’s holding you back? What are your favorite excuses for not beginning? Write them down;
I can’t begin today because
And because
And also because
I am enthusiastic and confident I am ready for all that God has planned for me

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