I take time for rest and reflection.

I take time for rest and reflection.

Upon awakening, I meditate or say a prayer of thanks for the day ahead. Rested and replenished, I pledge to make the most of this beautiful day.

I know I have all I need for any situation. If stress surfaces, I take a moment to connect with God. Closing my eyes, I imagine a restful, beautiful scene. I embrace life and emerge reenergized.
I stop at points throughout the day to breathe deeply and savor God’s presence. In the evening, I recharge for tomorrow. I prepare for sleep just as I began the day—with meditation or prayer. I am grateful for the time I took to connect with God today.

He said to them, “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.—Mark 6:31

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