Happy Thanksgiving

HappyThanksgiving! Enjoy the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aGTDvmNB-4&sns=em

What is the benefit of Meditation?

"If you were to ask me what was the
most important experience of my life,
I would say it was learning to meditate.
For me, that is the most important thing
a person can do to restore harmony and
 evolve to a higher state of consciousness."

Deepak Chopra

Join us for our :
Third Thursday Evening of Unity Meditation.
7:30 pm Thursdays 11/20, 12/18
Ethical Humanist Society Building
2nd Floor
38 Old Country Road
Garden City NY 11530

What is Unity?

What is Unity?
Marcus Bach

It is the word of Christ made new again,
The spirit of Christ reborn again;
The will of Christ revealed again,
The mind of Christ restored again,
The faith of Christ renewed again,
The law of Christ affirmed again,
The love of Christ employed again,
To help man know himself again,
The self that is one with God.