Your Greatest Asset

Have you ever wondered what is the most essential skill you could have to ensure a happy life?

This week we'll continue our discussion of Eric Butterworth's Spiritual Economics. In it he states: 

“Your most important asset is
the conscious control of your inner world of mind and  emotions"

Events this week have confirmed for me the importance of this ability. I look forward to seeing you to discuss the power we have to utilize this ability.

Are you participating in the Unexpected Income Prayer Practice? Know you are held in prayer every day. If you haven't joined the practice you can start today. Go Here for the Unexpected Income flyer. Here is the link:

Here's our March Prayer Drill on Substance....

Each day repeat the main affirmation,

Divine Love through me blesses and multiplies this money."

and the affirmation for the day each morning and evening.

A Prayer Drill for March:
from Lowell Fillmore.
 Divine love through me blesses and multiplies this money.

First Day. As I bless, consecrate and rightly used the little things that I find my possession they grow,
and I begin to discover how great God’s loving, generous supply for me.

Second Day. The oil of God's bountiful supply is sufficient to fill all the empty places in my soul, body, and affairs.

Third Day. The source of my security abides within me, where dwells the spirit of God, my Father.

Fourth Day. By exercising my faith in God's all sufficient supply I am able to draw upon it for all my needs.

Fifth Day.  Putting my God-given talent to work for Spirit brings me joy and success.

Sixth Day. The riches of God's creative word are the source of all supply.

Seventh Day.  I am thankful that my Father-God supplies me richly
as I make myself ready to use that greater supply wisely and well.

"Your spiritual growth is not a matter of time, but consciousness,
and when you remember that at this moment
you can be just what you will to be,
you have but to speak the Word."

Have a Merry Heart:


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