April Prayer Drill

Here is our Prayer Drill for April. 

Each day affirm our anchor affirmation: "there is nothing lost in Spirit" and then the affirmation for that day.

There is nothing lost in Spirit.

A Prayer Drill

First Day. I dwell in the kingdom of peace and harmony today.

Second Day. No mistake of the past can disturb me today, for God's omnipresent love has wiped away all of the unpleasant things of the past.

Third Day. No past joy can steal my present joy from me, for joy is eternal.

Fourth Day. No loss of the past can take anything away from my present store of good things, for Spirit with all its substance is here now.

Fifth Day. No sin of the past can torment me, for old things have passed away, and I am a new creature in Christ Jesus.

Sixth Day. Today is real and vital, if it is filled with God's life, substance, love, and joy.

Seventh Day. I have let go of all outworn thoughts of the past, and I am being inspired with ideas of Truth by the Spirit of truth.

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