Pure Rest in the Soul

When consciousness is freed of erroneous beliefs and concept, then we’re prepared to commune with God, to rest in the Soul, and to be at peace. There is really nothing that can disturb an individual who neither hates, fears, nor loves the objects of sense. Where there is no attempt at any time or in any way to gain something from God and when we are free of judgments, prayer is a resting in the Soul, a state of receptivity. It is that and more, because it brings peace and a sense of satisfaction in pure being. There, not even expectancy arises. There is only the satisfaction and the sense of completeness in God which is the ultimate of prayer. There is nothing to be desired, nothing to be attained, not even protection, safety or security. There is then and forever a sense of perfection attained, of pure rest in the Soul.

from Spiritual Discernment : the Healing Consciousness, chapter Judge Not According to the Appearance, Joel Goldsmith

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