Unity of Gulf Breeze Prayer Request

Please join us in prayer for Unity of Gulf Breeze:
Unity of Gulf Breeze is a family size church located on the road between Pensacola and Pensacola Beach. Yesterday the oil landed on our beautiful white beaches, there is no swimming allowed now due to the oil and other toxins that have washed in. While we are affirming a solution, we are experiencing first hand the loss of the lives of so many beautiful creatures . We need your prayer support. I am asking that you send written prayers to us words from your hands and heart are very powerful. We will post them on the walls of the church to lift us up. Many of us have completed the training to qualify as volunteers and are on standby. See us empowered by faith not constricted by fear. Help us with this process. We know the church walls will be filled soon. We will provide meditation and prayer services and recreational activities for the community. There are many church communities impacted by this event we affirm we are all surrounded by love and strength.
In Love and Grace
Beth Boilott
Spiritual Leader

Please mail to:

Cause & Effect

This Sunday we continue our Principles of Truth series and discuss the spiritual principle of Cause & Effect.
As you give you receive, Reap as you sow. As you judge you will be judged etc.

Do you always reap what you sow?  Hint: What about grace?

See you Sunday!


Happy Fourth of July. Be Free!


The quality or state of being without thought or restraint, bondage, limitation, or repression; having a sense of complete well-being. It is a result of regulating one's life according to Principle, not according to what anyone else may think or say.

We can never know the full meaning of freedom until we abide in the Christ consciousness. 

Without prayer and spiritual meditation there can be no concept of spiritual freedom and, therefore, no demonstration of it. It is gained only through spiritual development gained in long hours of communion with God in the silence. Liberation from bondage comes as we seek first the perfect Mind of Christ. "If therefore the Son shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed" (John 8:36).

Update Test of Web Cam, metaphysical bible interpretation

Testing our webcam & new laptop. If you want to join us at the fireworks in Valley Stream on Sunday night let us know.

This Sunday we'll be discussing spiritual principles of freedom. See you there.

Don't Quit

Thought you might enjoy this video based on the "Don't Quit" poem.
don't know who wrote the poem.