We're Back from Greece!

We had a great time in Greece and are looking forward to seeing you on Thursday at our world Day of Prayer Gathering on the Beach @ Riverside Blvd on Long Beach!

See you there!
Feel free to call me on my cell if you have any questions.

Love, John

I am prepared for and enthusiastic about life.

At times I may push myself to find the right answer to a challenge only to make little progress in discovering it. Then, as I pray and turn all over to God, I give it a rest.
During my prayer times, I open the window of my soul to the light of God. The answer comes. That's it! God reveals what I need to know and how to go about applying this newfound wisdom in my life.

Having tapped into the wisdom of God, I have gotten past my own limited thoughts and anyone else's belief that I am limited in any way. I understand that I had been trying too hard, making a situation complicated when simply relying on divine wisdom was the thing to do.

What a relief it is to know I am prepared for life and enthusiastic about living each day from the wisdom of God that is within me.

"Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive."--Matthew 21:22

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