Quote of the Week

"Truly grateful people can't be stopped. They bubble and overflow, refreshing others. Their habitual gratitude serves as a springboard to give a reason for the buoyant hope bouncing within them. They attract those who are stuck in the cares of this world and woo them to the eternal Good."
Ellen Vaughn,

May you be unstoppable in your wooing others to the eternal Good.


Quote of the Day.

We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.

Thornton Wilder
Happy Thanksgiving
John & Sue

Thanksgiving Reflection

Sit quietly and make a list of fifty blessings that you have received during this past year that have contributed to your well being and happiness. This is an excellent exercise to share with family or friends on this thanksgiving day holiday. Even children can do it.

Happy Thanksgiving;

You are on my list.


A Thanksgiving Blessing

We give thanks for the food that gives us life and for the beings that have died so that we might continue to live.

We give thanks for the cars and planes and roads that allow us to be together this day.

We give thanks for the health that remains in these temporary bodies of ours.

We give thanks for this shelter that keeps us warm and dry even while we sleep.

We give thanks for our jobs that help us pay for what we need to live.

We give thanks to our parents who brought us into this world.

We give thanks for the mysterious force that keeps our heart beating and our life flowing through our bodies.

We vow to wake up, to live each day fully, to see reality as it is, and to use our life for the purpose for which it was intended.

Gregg Krech

Quote of the Week

One can choose to go back towards safety or
Forward towards growth.
Growth must be chosen again and again.
Fear must be overcome again & again.
Abraham Maslow
Isn't if funny how it all comes down to our choices? In the Bible we are told to choose life. Where in your life are you making that choice right now? Change can be difficult. We want our life to change but what we know is so comfortable.
I have found that many times I am the thing that is getting in my way.
I pray that together we continue to choose life and step forward towards growth.

Quote of the Week

In between birth and death everything I have is a gift – my body, the clothes I wear, the knowledge I have, family and friends, hobbies I enjoy, the house I live in, and so on. They are all “mine”, but only as things temporarily entrusted to me during my sojourn on earth.
- Rev. Taitetsu Unno

Election Day 2006

Today is Election Day in the US and the news media is waiting to report to the world the results of our elections.

What will be the basis for the votes we cast? Will it be based on fear, a positive view of the future or a negative view?

When Jesus was asked how to pray his answer has become the model of prayer for his followers to this day. Whether we have actualized the consciousness of the prayer is another matter. (Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven)

Let us pray for those voting, and those receiving the benefit of our votes today, that they will be open to divine wisdom in their decisions and actions. Amen.

Quote of the week

"You are fooled by your mind into believing there is tomorrow, so you may waste today"
Ishin Yoshimoto

Your unique ability

According to neuroscientist Dr. William Calvin, author of Ascent of Mind, we're hardwired with a natural ballistic ability--the innate and uniquely human ability to throw an object and hit a moving target. Only humans have the genetic ability to think ahead, to project ourselves into the future, and to launch a plan of attack that hits the objective.

What do you think?
If this is true are you using this unique ability to improve your life & the world?