Christmas & the Winter Solstice

One of the theories as to why December 25th is the day chosen to celebrate the birth of Jesus is due to the Winter Solstice.

As of the Winter Solstice (December 21) the days become longer so there is more daylight every day and people have the hope and anticipation of spring.

Additionally celebrating the birth of Jesus at this time created a rival celebration to the pagan festival of the time.

May the light and love of Christ grow brighter in you.

Prayer Gathering's in 2006

We are planning to hold a Healing Prayer Gathering on a Sunday Evening in January 2006.

Stay tuned for developments.

Unity Church of Long Island, It's Official!!!!

Unity Church of Long Island is now an official New York State incorporated church.

Thank you! to all our prayer partners who are holding us in your prayers for a new spiritual community on Long Island.

It is so appropriate that the Divine Idea of Unity Long Island is becoming a reality during this advent season.

Thank You God!